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Weight plateau, help!

Is your weight loss not as fast as before? Or have you been stagnant for a while, or maybe even gained some weight? Don’t panic, this can have many causes, which means it’s not the end of your weight loss journey, or that this way of eating doesn’t work for you anymore.

In this blog article, you’ll read about the most common causes and what you can possibly do about them.

Table of Contents:

Do you eat a lot of dairy?

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It may be that you (perhaps unknowingly) consume too much dairy per day. This includes not only things like cheese but also whipped cream, cream cheese, mascarpone, quark, etc. The advice is to consume a maximum of 100 grams of dairy per day. Read more about the effects of too much dairy and why you should avoid consuming too much of it in this article.

Perhaps you’re eating too much protein

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Proteins are the building blocks of your body; you can’t do without them! But did you know that when your body gets more protein than it needs, it converts them into sugars? Having a bit more protein once in a while is not a problem, but if you do this every day, it can lead to getting out of ketosis, weight loss plateaus, or even weight gain.

So, make sure to calculate your macros correctly (don’t forget to adjust them with every 5 KG of weight change) and avoid consistently going over them. You can learn more about calculating your macros in this article.

Maybe you’re eating too much or too little

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How much food your body needs is influenced by various factors, including your weight. If you weigh less, you naturally require less food because you have a lower energy expenditure.

Some people naturally eat less because they can listen to their bodies and understand their needs. However, many people continue to eat the same amounts they are used to. Therefore, it’s important to recalculate what your body needs with every 5 KG of weight loss and try to stick to these guidelines.

It’s a simple fact that if you eat more than your body burns, it stores the excess as reserves.

Your hormones play a significant role

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Hormones have a significant impact on the weight loss process. When it’s time for your monthly period, you might suddenly weigh up to 2 KG more, but don’t be alarmed; this extra weight usually comes off on its own after a few days. Often, this is due to your body retaining extra water.

Are you going through menopause? This can also make weight loss more challenging, but don’t give up! While it might be a bit slower, this lifestyle can work for you too if you persist.

Medication can sometimes work against you

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Most medications contain a lot of “junk” for your body. Similar to alcohol, your body first focuses on getting rid of all the harmful substances before it turns to other processes like weight loss.

Additionally, many medications contain substances that can lead to weight gain. Sometimes, it can take a few weeks after stopping the medication for the weight loss process to resume.

If you want to know whether the medication you’re taking has this side effect, try googling your medication; it’s almost always listed as a possible side effect. Often, there are alternative medications available that contain different substances but can still effectively treat your symptoms. Consult your doctor to explore options for adjusting your medication.

Are you secretly eating too much fruit?

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In a keto lifestyle, a small amount of red fruit is allowed, with the advice to consume a maximum of 30-50 grams of red fruit per day. This isn’t a large amount, so it’s easy for people to unintentionally consume a bit more. If you’re unsure, use a kitchen scale to measure your fruit intake.

It’s also possible that your body is sensitive to the natural sugars in fruits. Try avoiding fruit for a few days and see if it makes a difference.

Are you experiencing stress?

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When you experience stress, both physically and mentally, your body produces the hormone cortisol. Cortisol can affect your insulin levels, which can prevent weight loss or even lead to weight gain when you’re stressed.

Lack of sleep also creates significant stress for your body, and it doesn’t provide your body with sufficient recovery time.

It’s important to note that you can experience stress without being consciously aware of it. Your body can perceive even minor things as stressors. For example:

– How your children are doing at school
– Approaching deadlines (both at work and in your personal life)
– Pending household chores alongside other tasks
– Children making noise throughout the day, distracting you from your tasks
– Poor sleep
– Uncertainty about planned vacations due to circumstances like COVID-19
– A loved one in your environment experiencing health issues

There are many more potential stressors, and your body can react to them even if you don’t consciously recognize the stress.

To address stress, start by identifying potential stressors in your life. While you might not be able to change the circumstances, you have control over how you respond to them. Find activities that bring you relaxation and peace, such as taking a warm bath, going for a brisk walk, reading a good book, or spending time with friends. Regularly allocate time for these activities, as it can make a significant difference.

If you’re dealing with more severe stress, consider seeking help, whether it’s from a coach, psychologist, a medical professional, or a supportive friend who can listen and offer guidance.

You’re not a machine, right?

Losing weight is never a straight line.
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Your body is not a machine that consistently follows the same standard program you’ve set for it.

There are too many factors influencing weight loss or gain for it to always proceed in a stable downward trend. It’s entirely normal to experience some weight fluctuations or even temporary plateaus, so don’t be overly concerned if this happens.

Fat vs. Muscle

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No difference on the scale but a change in inches?!
Fat has much more mass/volume than muscle; 2 kg of fat is nearly three times the size of 2 kg of muscle. So, don’t focus solely on the scale; also measure your waist circumference, really do this!

It’s possible that you’ve lost centimeters (mass/volume) even if it’s not immediately visible on the scale. Alternatively, you might be building muscle alongside fat loss, which can increase your weight on the scale.

Keto Isn’t Working?

You started the keto diet with enthusiasm, but you’re not losing weight, or you might even be gaining weight? This is also quite normal, don’t worry, and keep up with this lifestyle!
On average, your body needs about 6 weeks to adapt to a new eating pattern, but for some people, it can take up to 3 months; every body is different. Some people lose weight right from the first week, while for others, it takes a bit longer for their bodies to adjust.

So, don’t give up too quickly or conclude that “this diet doesn’t work for me.” However, it’s essential to take a critical look at your eating habits to ensure you’re not accidentally consuming more (hidden) carbohydrates or calories than intended. It’s quite common for people to confidently claim they are strictly following a ketogenic diet, but when they list what they eat, it’s clear that they are not following keto at all. Therefore, educate yourself thoroughly, seek help if you’re unsure about something, and be critical. In our Facebook group, you can always ask questions; we’re happy to help and provide guidance!


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