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Motivational texts

Sometimes, you hit a low point, struggle with making the right choices, or face irresistible temptations. I think we all have those moments… For me, it’s incredibly helpful to turn to motivational quotes or texts that remind me why I want to make the right choices when it comes to my nutrition. I’m happy to share the texts that have meant the most to me, and I hope they’ll be helpful to you too 😉.

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It may sound a bit cliché, but that’s how it works. If you repeatedly give up before reaching your goal, you will always be striving to achieve it and starting over again… Often, the results you may have already achieved before giving up are lost, requiring you to start from the beginning all over again. Make it easier on yourself and continue from where you are right now, so you don’t have to start over.

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It’s true, poor nutrition can make you very ill. But with the right nutrition, you can even heal certain diseases and conditions or better manage them. Choose the food that’s good for your body; don’t choose to poison yourself. Now, the term ‘poison’ may sound heavy, but it’s true. Unhealthy food is a silent killer, as if you’re ingesting a small dose of poison each time, and there will come a point where you’ve had enough, and the symptoms will surface. So choose the remedy, not the poison. 😉

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Most people are familiar with the term ‘Hakuna matata,’ which means ‘no worries.’ For me, ‘Hakuna maketo’ means no worries about what the food I consume does to my health, no worries about all the disadvantages/consequences of unhealthy eating, no body that I don’t proudly look at, no tasteless meals but rather indulging in all the delicious keto options. What does ‘Hakuna maketo’ mean to you?

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Consciously choosing to avoid unhealthy food can be challenging at times. You might really miss certain foods you find delicious (if there isn’t a suitable keto replacement), or perhaps you miss the convenience of ordering fast food or popping a ready-made pizza into the oven. Others in your environment might try to persuade you, or you may be out with friends or family with limited food options for you. These are all understandable factors that can make it difficult to stick to your healthy choices. However, it’s truly worth it! Think back to the reasons why you wanted to eat healthily. Also, consider the consequences if you decide to deviate from your choices. Reflecting on these aspects often provides me with enough motivation to make the healthy choices. And if I do decide to deviate from my healthy food preferences, at least it’s a well-considered choice where I’m aware of the consequences.

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Who doesn’t know it, making excuses and coming up with reasons why you’ll only start making changes from a certain date. After the vacation, after the weekend, after that birthday party, and so on… I’ve certainly been guilty of that myself, but it doesn’t help you. If you want to change things, now is really the best time for it. Because the sooner you take the step, the further you’ll go. Don’t fool yourself by making up reasons to postpone it further. Make that decision and go for what you want, what you know is better for you and makes you happier. In short, stop postponing your happiness, but start becoming happy or being happy already. ❤

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Temptations, we all know them. Often, you also have the feeling that it’s now or never, which makes the temptation even stronger in your mind. But that’s not a choice you have to make now. The only choice you have to make is not to do it now. Agree with yourself that you won’t do it at this moment and that you can always reconsider whether you want to give in to the temptations later. The amount of time between now and later is entirely up to you. For example, you can say, not for this quarter of an hour, I’ll reconsider in a quarter of an hour. Or you can say, not for this hour, not for this day, not for this week, etc… The greater the temptation, the more it can help to choose a short time frame. Because constantly postponing something for fifteen minutes is easier than pushing the option away for a longer period.

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Actually, there’s only one choice you have to make, and that’s the choice of yes or no. By making that one choice, you can turn the outcome/the consequence 180 degrees. Make that one right choice, and you’ve got the positive results of that choice in the pocket 😉

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Many people are trapped in patterns. Patterns that can hinder how you would actually prefer to be (both physically and mentally). But patterns can be broken. You have control over whether you want to stay where you are now or if you really want to make changes. Of course, there are always things in life that you cannot influence; for example, someone who has lost a leg cannot magically make it grow back. However, that person has multiple options for learning to live with it and making life a bit easier. Think of a prosthesis, a wheelchair, or crutches. What I mean by this is that you may not always be able to go in the exact direction you want, but you can always choose a different path than your current location.

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We are often our own biggest saboteur. The only one who can truly determine what your life looks like is you. Of course, there are always factors you can’t change much (such as children who need care), but you do have multiple options for how you want to approach and shape things. Our own mindset is also incredibly influential in the choices we make and how difficult we perceive certain decisions to be. Do yourself a favor and stop working against yourself. Take a critical look at the choices you make, be objective about situations, and don’t deceive yourself with excuses that only have a negative impact.

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Everyone has a comfort zone, a way of living where you don’t have to think, where you don’t have to make an effort, and where everything feels familiar. It’s wonderful to be in there, of course. But if you really want to make changes in your life, you’ll have to step outside your comfort zone. The things that are different, they’re not in your comfort zone right now. The key is to find a way to make those new things fit into your comfort zone. So, see how you can do this for yourself, but also be critical and tell yourself that sometimes you need to step outside that comfort zone to make it grow. Take learning to ride a bike, for example. When you’re young, you have to learn it, it’s exciting, new, and maybe even scary, far outside your comfort zone. But if you make the effort to keep doing it until you master it completely, being able to ride a bike for the rest of your life becomes “normal” and well within your comfort zone.

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There are always various factors that influence how situations turn out. But the decisions you make, they determine the ultimate end result. If a situation isn’t how you’d like it to be, then critically examine your own role in that situation, consider what you could do differently next time to achieve a different outcome.

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Making a radical change can certainly yield the fastest results, but it doesn’t always have to be perfect right away. Look at the adjustments you can make to work towards the end result you want. You always have the opportunity to make changes. For example, if you want to get fitter and lose weight, you can choose to immediately overhaul your entire diet and go to the gym five days a week. Alternatively, you can start by cutting out certain unhealthy foods from your diet and taking more walks. Over time, you can make more and more small adjustments that help you achieve your end goal. Both life and a healthy diet are marathons, not sprints. So, plan your approach with the end goal in mind, without a sense of urgency. You have the rest of your life to enjoy the benefits, and by seeing it as a marathon, you’ll enjoy the journey much more. Sprinting is much more exhausting, and you see and enjoy much less of everything you can encounter between the start and finish. 😉

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The more effort it takes to make a decision, the greater the impact of that choice, and therefore the greater the benefit (or disadvantage) that comes with it. If all choices were as simple as wearing a red or blue sweater today, those choices would bring little satisfaction. When you make a choice that required careful thought or was challenging for you, the satisfaction of making the right choice will be all the more rewarding.

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Making the right choice can be as simple as that. You’ve chosen a different lifestyle because you want different results. It would be a shame to deviate from choices that hinder your goal. Stop hesitating, ask yourself if that choice contributes to achieving your goal, and let that guide you in making your decision.

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Doubt is something everyone has to deal with at some point. Some people doubt very often, while others rarely doubt and can make decisions quickly. Setting a goal for yourself and then doubting whether you want to follow through with it is something that doesn’t help you at all. Doubts can also hold you back, preventing you from ever reaching the goal you so desperately want to achieve. If you find yourself doubting, ask yourself the question, would I rather not know and give up my goal, or do I want to try to see what the results could be?

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Very often, I see people unwilling to consider new ideas. For example, someone might say, “I’ll never be able to lose weight; I’ve tried, but it doesn’t work for me.” They might even say, “I’ve tried everything.” But if you haven’t reached your goal, you haven’t really tried everything, as long as the goal is realistically achievable, of course. Expecting to change your gender without any assistance, for example, is not realistic. Often, there are many options to achieve your goals that you haven’t even considered. So, don’t give up too quickly by saying, “I can’t achieve this goal.” Look for possibilities you haven’t tried yet, be open to help from others, and keep fine-tuning until you find your way. There are many different ways to achieve the same goal.

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Do you want your future to be different from the present? You have control over that. Make different choices than you have made so far and create the future you want to have.

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Giving up halfway to your goal may sometimes seem easier than persevering. However, if you go back to your previous lifestyle, you will definitely return to the point where you were before you started, or perhaps even further back. You haven’t achieved your goal yet, so the desire to reach that goal and enjoy all its positive consequences hasn’t disappeared. Don’t make it harder on yourself than necessary; keep going and don’t slide back to the beginning. Starting over means having to achieve the results you’ve already achieved all over again.

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Everyone makes a choice from time to time that doesn’t bring you what you hoped for. You can say that you failed and that it was a failure. But you can also choose to turn it into a learning moment. It wasn’t a wrong choice, even if it didn’t bring the outcome you hoped for, it was a choice that showed you it wasn’t the right way. So, it’s something you can cross off the list the next time you face this choice. You’ve learned to make a different choice to achieve a different outcome.

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Many people continue to hope for certain results but take no action to actually achieve them. If you want things to be different, you have to do something about it. Make different choices, create a plan for yourself, take action! Don’t keep waiting for different results or different moments, work towards achieving your goal. Where you put in effort, results will follow. Maybe not always the result you had hoped for, but it will certainly be different from doing nothing and waiting.


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