Cauliflower Leaf Soup

  • Keto inspiration
  • Nutritional Values: See explanation

Explanation of Nutritional Values:

In all cookbook recipes, the nutritional values are provided. This is an inspiration recipe (which means it’s not cookbook-worthy but still delicious 😉). Calculate the nutritional values yourself based on the quantity of the ingredients you use. Don’t know how to do it? You can learn how here.

Cauliflower Leaf Soup

Keto recipes
I don’t throw away cauliflower leaves because they contain so many vitamins! In fact, cauliflower leaves have more vitamins, minerals, and fiber than the florets. I never knew you could eat them… But now that I know, I never throw away the leaves.

You can eat cauliflower leaves in various ways, but my favorite way is to make a delicious soup out of them 😋 I never really follow a recipe for this; I just go with what I have on hand 😂 The beauty of soup is that almost any vegetable goes well with it, and you can really vary the other additions.

This time, I used the leaves from one cauliflower head, about 1.5 liters of water, 3 vegetable bouillon cubes, and a pack of diced tomatoes. I must say, this variation turned out to be really delicious!

Put all the ingredients mentioned above in a large soup pot and cook the leaves for 20-25 minutes until tender. Then, I pureed the soup with 3 generous tablespoons of mascarpone and a package of cream cheese. This makes it wonderfully creamy and is an ideal way to use up the remaining mascarpone I had.

You can, of course, use cream cheese instead of mascarpone and any grated cheese of your choice to replace the cream cheese. You can also add any leftover vegetables you have. This can be done before pureeing, but also after pureeing, where you cook the additional vegetables in the already pureed soup. If you want to add extra vegetables after pureeing, I would wait with adding the mascarpone and cream cheese until the other vegetables are cooked. As a final step, add the mascarpone and cream cheese, stir the soup until they are well melted and blended.

This soup is also perfect for freezing in portions. It’s convenient for busy (or really lazy) days, but it’s also great for quickly and easily getting in an extra serving of vegetables on days when they might be lacking in your menu.



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